Founded by Georgina McKenna a busy mum to three young children who, after experiencing isolation on a number of occasions in her life (moving to a new country, becoming a mother and being made redundant from a job she loved), Georgina started considering the fact that she could not be alone in experiencing these feelings of loneliness so she decided to explore this a little further and after speaking with other women from different stages in their life she launched Count Her In.
Count Her In started as an online/offline social community which was accessible in every county in Ireland, catering for ALL women. Since its conception it has grown rapidly and has recently expanded to the UK and the US. Throughout its growth it has seen many changes and now, while still continuing to support and promote women to connect and have fun in their lives it also works alongside great businesses to offer new opportunities for these women be it a meal or night away, kayaking or special deals on health & beauty and so much more.
In this interview Georgina shares with us her inspiring journey and commitment to not only supporting women everywhere to make friends and have fun but is also carving out a successful dream of her own in creating an business that she is passionate about. For further information or to contact Count Her In, visit or FB