A fab health initiative ‘being delivered by Intelligent Health on behalf of Dublin City Sport & Wellbeing Partnership, Dublin City Council, Healthy Ireland, The Dormant Accounts Fund and Sport Ireland’ aimed at getting people up and active within their communities in a fun and engaging way.
“Beat the Street is an evidence based intervention to increase physical activity levels across a community. The programme connects individuals with their local environment and supports long term behaviour change by creating a social norm around getting active
Beat the Street, turns a town into a game where people earn points as they walk, cycle and run around. It is fun, free and connects people to their community”
“ Beat Boxes are positioned throughout the area and players receive a card which they tap on the Beat Boxes as they walk, cycle, or scoot around town, earning points for themselves and their team. The more boxes you tap, the more points you earn giving you the chance to win some great spot prizes”.