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Together FM – Charter and Members Agreement

Together FM Community Radio Stations:

Recognise and respect the contribution of members, recognise the rights of paid workers to join trade unions and provide satisfactory working conditions for both.

Community Radio Charter for Europe, Point Eight.

Volunteering is an expression of humanitarian concern, allowing an individual to make a personal contribution to life in their community. As a volunteer with Together FM you will have certain rights and responsibilities. We set out below our charter, detailing the rights and obligations of/for volunteers.


1. The right as a member to participate in the Station’s policy-making processes. This can be done by attending, members meetings and /or by applying for membership of the board.

2. The right to information regarding the Station’s affairs, its management structures policies, financial affairs etc.

3. The right to be heard, and to have your views and opinions taken into consideration in framing policy or in determining operational procedures, and rules and regulations.

4. The right to training and development.

5. The right to adequate grievance procedures.

6. The right to seek a change in role or function.

7. The opportunity to advance personal objectives, e.g. career training in communications or journalism, provided only that it does not clash with the Stations or Community Radio objectives.

8. The right to pre-agreed out of pocket expenses, where the Station’s policies so permit.


A Volunteer is obliged to

  1. Understand and support the aims and objectives of Community Radio.

    2. Have a commitment to Together FM over and above presenting or producing his/her own programme. This means becoming a member, working on sub-committees, attending station meetings, supporting our social and fundraising functions etc.

    3. Accept the authority of the Committee of Management or its designate(s) in all matters affecting the Station, including management structure, programming policy, programme content and quality etc.

    4. Accept the Station’s right to establish rules and regulations.

    5. Accept the Station’s disciplinary procedures including the Station’s right to discontinue an individual’s voluntary service.

    6. Honour the commitment made to fulfill the agreed role or function within the Station, to the standards set by the Station.

    7. Participate in and contribute to the Stations internal evaluation processes.8

    8. Conform to the legal and regulatory requirements of radio programming and broadcasting.

    9. Accept that all information compiled, and all programme material made using the Station’s equipment and facilities, is the property of the Station unless express permission is given to the contrary. All Podcasting and external Links e.g. Facebook & Twitter should be directed to the station’s management before publication.


  1. Maintain confidentiality about matters in regard to which the Station deems it necessary.


  1. Respect the views and opinions of all groups, organisation or individuals who seek to use the services of Together FM.


  1. The Schedule can be subject to change if there is a live broadcast commencing at the same time as a programme is being transmitted.


  1. Members must provide a theme relating to the Local area or the West Dublin Franchised area..


  1. All members must adhere to the stations social media policy


Presenters’ Commitment


  1. Each presenter must be present in the station 30 minutes before their programme schedule time and must remain in the station for 15 minutes after their programme ends.


  1. Each presenter must, in accordance with Health & Safety regulations, sign in on entering the studio and must also request their guests, if any, to sign the visitor’s book


  1. In accordance with BAI regulations each presenter must complete a programme treatment form/script during transmission of their programme.


  1. If a presenter misses 3 of their programme slots, whether live or pre recorded, they must reapply to the Programming team for readmission.


  1. Should a presenter prerecord their programme they must put in place arrangements to broadcast that programme. It is the sole responsibility of the presenter to ensure their programme is aired and failure to do so will be considered as a “miss” for that presenter.


  1. Each programme will run for a term of 13 weeks after which it is subject to review by the programming Team.


  1. Adhere to the stations policy on programme content. (separate document)



DO Think about why you do voluntary work.

Start your voluntary work until you know exactly what is expected of you.

DON’T Over commit yourself, Offer only as much time as you are able to give regularly.

DO Stretch yourself to give a little more than just your programme time.

DO Make an effort to understand the evolving nature of the project you have joined.

DON’T. Carry out any task if it is against your wishes or principles. Discuss it with the person in charge.

Stick to any arrangements you have made. If you are going to be late, let someone know.

DO Most of all, enjoy the experience.

In Summary

As a member you are ENTITLED to become involved in all station activities.

Besides making your programme, you are EXPECTED to become involved in all station activities.


Together FM, by way of its Board, reserve the right to review and amend the above should the need arise.





Members Name   _____________________


Programme Name   _________________________



Date ____/____/______