- Background
The Volunteers including Damien Clarke, Mary Clarke and Mary O’Sullivan have kept Together FM going as public service Streaming Radio station since 2015.
It was agreed by all in August 2019 that a Public Service Radio Station should be developed and the appropriate license sought from the BAI.
A company Limited by Guarantee without any Share Capital effectively a Social Economy Business was formed, and it is proposed that this entity will make the licence application to the BAI and run the station.
- Current Position
Together FM is now a registered company limited by Guarantee without a Share Capital.
The Board Members are:
- Damien Clarke
- Mary Clarke
- Mary O’Sullivan
- Jessica Hickey
- Tom Daly
- Henry Harding
- Three additional Board Members will come from the Volunteers
The Chairperson: Damien Clarke
The Company Secretary: Mary O’Sullivan
One Board Meeting has taken place in order to prepare for the public launch of the station which is required to apply for a 100 day Broadcast Licence.
Board meeting minutes attached.
Future Structure
It is proposed that the current structure remain as is going forward except that the Board Members be increased by four.
These members would be drawn from the catchment areas of Clondalkin, Chapelizod, Ballyfermot, Palmerstown, Inchicore & Bluebell.
This brings the total board members to 10.
Each Board Member serves in a voluntary capacity and can remain on the board for up to three years.
After that they must resign but can be re-elected for a further term.
BAI Application to the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.
- A critical element is market research, which must prove a need.
- We prove a need for community groups , individuals and institution’s within these geographical are,
- CROAL we must be a member of craol. Representative body of the community radio forum of Ireland Funded by the B.A.I.
- Community radio forum of Ireland.
- Our application must follow the Craol step ladder.
- Vision
Together FM is a not for profit, non-commercial entity operating with the view to achieve a licence from the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) and with funding supports from various sources to provide a community communication platform accessible to all groups and individuals who have the democratic benefit of the community at heart. The station embraces the AMARC Charters recognition that community radio is an ideal means of fostering freedom of expression and information, the development of culture, the freedom to form and confront opinions and active participation in local life, noting that different cultures and traditions lead to diversity of forms of community radio.
The AMARC Charter identifies objectives which community radio stations world-wide share and should strive to achieve.
Together FM will operate without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, colour or age.
It seeks to achieve and maintain the highest principals of democratic and moral broadcast standards.
- Mission Statement
- As set out in the attached document
- Stakeholders
Together FM is a Community Radio Broadcasting Station aimed at serving the needs of the communities in Clondalkin, Chapelizod, Bluebell, Palmerstown, Ballyfermot & Inchicore.
- Volunteers
The volunteers are the people who run and operate the station.
They sign up to Volunteer Charter in order to participate.
A copy of the Volunteer Charter is attached.
- Funding
- Volunteers pay €20 per month as a contribution to the overheads
- Other sources of funds will come through grants and other supports
- Advertising / local business supports will be sought
The B.A.I Explained
- The Bai control all licencing for TV And all radio, this includes commercial and community.
- Through the sound and vision they can give funding for programs of special interest. Including local interest.
- Generally it is very difficult for community radio stations to achieve a licence. As the regulations are very stringent.
- The application process is a very lengthy document which need to be word perfect to be accepted.
- This involves explaining who we are where we cover the need for a community station in the area, how we will be structures, how we intend to be funded and lots more.
- Market Research / Critical element It is vital that we prove that we are of value to our prospective area of West Dublin.
- Craol handbook. Craol are an umbrella group that look after the welfare of communities by liaising with both the government and the B.A.I they are also funded by the B.A.I.
- BAI Failure
- Continue as is with the new entity and apply again in the future